The Generational Gentrification of the Bad Bitch.

We live in a world, where we are becoming the commodity day by day, we are all selling little bits of ourselves to appease the system in place. Jumping generationally from Geri Halliwell’s union jack dress/tea towel, to Kim K breaking the internet. Last stage capitalism’s crumbling, you know this to be true when Makhmood your local cabbie is getting his hands on the stocks and shares market. Not just a gambling den for toffs, but it’s all Gucci especially when you can get it all that on finance, want an overpriced jumper made by the modern economic minimum 0-hour contract slave, no problem. Klarna’s got you. But what if you’ve got your heart set on them Nikes that have been all the hype on meme pages!!! Well, no fucking issues or qualms my G, the Uighurs or Kazaks that made them are apparently being re-educated by the system in place to rid them off their Islamic tendencies, but while they carry out this brain washing ethnic cleansing service, they get to work for FREE!! Isn’t that just the sweetest, very niiice (Borat voice). Fashion is a factor of class and taste, right? Now, just slap my bollocks and call me a house elf isn’t this a time to be alive…


What does this have to do them bad bitches, well the pace of the economy is being run by the sound of acrylic nails tapping away on a work surface to the rhythm of W.A.P. The economy of making the youth feel less empowered, more subjected and more fragmented is that of the digital. We all like to look at beautiful things, it’s only natural, but natural cannot be said for what is considered beautiful nowadays and fake lips, hips, tips on how to make sure neck never sags and moisturiser for your ball bags.


The cosmetic companies aren’t just happy as having females as their cats/customers but now its hetro to get your hairline checked, you can never smell or have an eyebrow out of place. Gone are the so-called men of yesterday that didn’t understand a deodorant can, personal space or a balanced diet. Everyone needs to be gleamed and polished as we are constantly influenced by our digital spheres and not each other, those who are topped up by love island, the boohoo men or a blind idle consumer, slave for the trend that slaves make. Jeans and shirts guys: the men who have given up on themselvesish, just not intrested in fashion anymore, are now Nike techs, trackies and trainers mandem, but its calm because bad bitches always hug the teddy, boys….


The Teddy Boys or Teds were a mainly British youth subculture who were interested in rock and roll and R&B music, wearing clothes partly inspired by the styles worn by dandies in the Edwardian period, which Savile Row tailors had attempted to re-introduce in Britain after the Second World War.[1]


Beautiful Bae’s be chasing that verified blue tick, while leaving nice guys blue ticked, I mean you can change your class in the 4th dimension then it’ll translate into real life right, or at least look like it and that’s what really matters…. everything’s for sale. Bad bitches tired of being run through by boys in the bits that treated them mean to keep then keen, now updating by 17, going to restaurants on a sugar daddy’s dime, fuck being working class, be classy, be posh, perfect your craft and y’all be a wag. At least have your apartment paid for abit until the payroll gets bored, you know this so as you age the insecurity grows, fake bits in your face and body before its even fully matured. Haze over cheese. Your so much prettier, no patel, then Shanice and now her and her baby daddy live in Cheltenham, in a 5 bed new build… just get your posts right b and that could be you… baby girl… or so goes the urban myth.


Phones are usually given to us when we are at our most easily influenced age, when we are going into secondary school, but I know now that Mommy of the Month Mugs are sedating their children earlier, attention spans and patience all down the toilet. You know its calm though, why wait and plan for good things when amazon and uber eats fill you with mush, just like McDonalds, it can never really satisfy that hunger.


Long term dopamine cycles that are built up with emotional milestones and long-term goal reaching, which are being deleted by short term dopamine hits from going on social media, gaming and getting that jumper through the post next day. You love the convivence though, don’t you? … You dirty little commodity fetishist, you! Think you can work through each other’s problems when we have the patience of a Nat due to everything being delivered to my door, from being spoon fed in school, everyone’s a winner attitude to you can be anything or love anyone in this life if we give 50 genders to learn at the age of 5. We promise that this sort of labelling isn’t colonisation of the mind… at all. Its okay we get it. Your woke, but just tell kids they’re free to be what they want to be, but they’re not are they? The only time that a prime minister steps into comprehensive school is when they are unloading another small mind curriculum. We know we must look after the mental health of the future, unless we want a depressed and repress the working class, that are so beaten down by all these factors that they don’t think that there is a silver lining on the horizon.


When their kids get diagnosed with ADHD because they’re so in-tune with an advert popping up every thirty seconds, or some sedating animated Disney subversive content. Fuck it, why deal with their giddery ass, asking questions every 2 seconds, stick them on some pharma to aggravate their anxieties until they have anxiety. All they needed was hug, some time with some adults doing something other than staring at their own screen, just a little positive reinforcement. When they start acting like little shits, mini school shooters they needed some discipline, a little negative reinforcement early goes a long way to pacifying a future terrorist.  


Your mate knows graphic design? Mind if he would make me a logo as I ecommerce anything from beauty products to protein powder, to my t-shirt brand. You know, I’ve got to get the bag. I’ve got vices and a lifestyle to lead. No cap. But seriously I sold everything, commodity for commodity for commodity’s sake.


Bad bitches be chatting to the mandem, easy peasy, lemon haze queezy, a hello, a hi, a few nonchalant basic questions, a passive inuendo, a caring pop up on a life issue, secure the link then some tissue for the car seat. The initial attraction goes along way, in the generation of Geordie Shore, don’t be thinking that you guys who have record collections are any better than the working class stiff, you’re not. Same basic childish insecure secure questions, less emojis, more inuendo and a longer reply time, some distinguished vocabulary, dash in a woke opinion, with a back handed compliment. Insert egg plant to honey pot. Conform to social norms now you’ve had your fun, it’s time to couple up in this loveless island, like just do it for the economy. Half your rent, minimum spend on most JustEat restaurants is £15 for a reason, you lonely fat fuck. NETFLIX and chills have dried up now, so you get on an app and do more than just exchange cheekies on snap, time to level up let a few links meet your mates. But seriously though; what’s your favourite colour?


The cellurar 5G device comes into the realm right as you come of age, the teenager was invented for the retailer, just so after the foot and mouth disease, rock and roll, greasers could grab a; uh-huh, Elvis voice, leather jacket for a pittance. Nothing’s changed now apart from that, 30’s the new 20 don’t you know, 20’s your selfish years. Be young and stay young, fetishize youth so much so that kids feel washed out by 20. Remember the creams and lotions, they’re for everybody, gender this way or that, collect Pokémon cards until your 35, its cool, to be hark back to your past as it was the last time you felt happy? Fucking kids these days, have no respect and seem to lose their innocence at 3. It’s nothing to do with YouTube, our sedation, content wrapped around the fingers of a gripping babies. You don’t even need a partner for procreation nowadays, but human support, that must be nice.


Jokemen and she was a sket anyway, aside, you’ve found your love, you’ve got the mortgage dipper and your set, on route to the white picket fence lifestyle. Gone are the hot girl summers, time to get something to fill that void settle down fulfil the need to procreate, if you haven’t already, you wild bunch of toilet fornicators. I’m afraid that the statistics are against you on this one also, my baby girls and boys in this loveless island, your marriage isn’t going to last. But can you blame yourselves when we have been raised in a throw away generation. Dykes can’t even wire plugs nowadays, raised in an era of sedation, whether it be the war on drugs that left you skunked, coked up warehouse workers, mums and politicians. Baby brown is there for the cats with nothing to lose and Rockstar’s, nittys to block stars, vice versa. Lean as hustlers bop. Give them fallen angels and crying Habibis a bit of light and they’re alright? Am I right? Drugs aren’t even our main sedative in the 21st century. Just don’t keep an eye on your screen time, peer to peer, we keep updated with the servers, wouldn’t want to miss out on a meme, or vid, that would be so uncultured, imagine that not being part of the pack. FOMO is a cancer of the youth. Cancel this, cancel that. The internet is where loose ourselves nowadays, binge watch over binge drink, depends on the day I suppose, back to work Monday. Just to pay for the X and Y’s, bills, warming our homes and filling the stockings with things that are made to be obsolete, building for quality now is just plain stupid and bad for business. We will get an apartment together; it’s the future of living and it these new shiny glass behemoths wont age like 60’s brutalist high rises, promise. Photo shoot anyone?


Blame everything on migrants, as we are in the biggest migration of people this world has ever seen, but who’s profiting off it? Gangs, certainly not the gang business that Drill, grime or Hip-Hop propagates, that’s just pushing drugs and feeding most users; who are normal day to day people. But their culture is turn on each other, stab this and stab that, cancel this, cancel that… why you in my bits? But really most shottas are mates, most shots are tracked, cookie packs always come with extras. It’s the uninitiated that scrap, HMP soon smacks that’s out of you, soulja boys.


Who’s a dirty little bad bitch, brain dead zombies chasing a high or a fuck, I’m not depressed? Your dad is when he has no transferable skills, by 40, there goes the working man. I mean fuck it, he may as well just end it now anyway, not like he has any sort of pension now is it when he gets one at 70, his all played out. Your mum is when she’s watching the news constantly and disinfecting the floorboards, as all she hears is about COVID and natural disasters, even the fluff pieces are about the pandemic, not about the rest of the world or genuinely any insightful human developments.


Little do they know that if they were unionised and there was a national drug dealer strike that this country would be on its knees quicker than if it was oil or gas, we need to get green baby.


Certainly not the isolated and sedated that’s for sure, but post covid the transition into this domain for the majority is social transition. Especially those under economic strain, those who can’t normally afford the things that keep the economy spinning, like eating out to help out. Pay check to pay check, constantly in debt is the reality for millions and the government still takes from them rather than taxing the megacorporation’s, that they’ve become so subservient too. Its cooling’s though habibi, we are cattle among the shelves, soon shops won’t have staff. Just absent-minded agency security. Agency. That won’t really care. Self-check outs are so last gen, now just walk into the shop, pick up your shit and leave. Amazon will charge you when you get out the store or whenever they can be bothered, that’s obviously dependant on whether you’ve swiped in as you came into the store. Like train like barriers. The evolution of the underground. I suppose the theft from our poorest will ensue as some sort of unspoken tax break. Food banks with a twist, Diesel only the brave. A lawless dystopia, where we see the issue at hand and formulate our own cultural responses, only for the inducted. Everybody eats if you push the barrier, cross a line and know your place. Karen’s watch from the side-lines. Screaming. Same shit different day. We’re oppressed too. Gaging who’s the most. The company that has destroyed more rainforest than avocados. Amazon do have a habit of overcharging anyway, so I’m sure that the cost will be spread equally through the Populus, not just you; kicking K.


Bad bitches cry too, fuck boys have each other in other in gamer lobbies. What is really done for love in a system that is based upon greed. There’s to many of us now to have a system that rewards the greedy. Bad B’s. Now imagine if she was educated from the time of getting her phone, giving her worth, so she didn’t feel so insecure everyday checking her socials and constantly comparing, the world not that big anymore b.


At the fringe I sang at everyone; you are so beautiful, just so they could realise that they are.  Imagine the real power of connectivity. BBM was locked off after; Mark Duggan. Yet now we use the power of this connectivity not to unify against our problems and perceptions, but to submit and turn on each other, a dysfunctional family, feeding off each other’s mistakes. Cancelation after cancelation. We can’t help ourselves; the power of the algorithm is that we get enough of the things to sedate and infuriate us, it knows you better than anyone. Why join us to people who are the opposite, for balance, openness and understanding.


Instead, we get the same people who love and hate the same us, closing us down to the rest of the world. Only show us the same people who are the tribalized. Screen time on average of the generation that can make a change is around 8 hours per day. How much of that is productive is purely based on the induvial. You should always start a relationship like you want it to be set, so I designed shelter for curbing the British homeless along with the oncoming migrant population. The real minimum wage workers, the ones who have the work ethic to get here, illegally, yet will happily work for £5 p/h. A pod that would double as a battery, making sure that your Nan can afford heating this winter. Just wanting to lift and make sure that no homeless die on our streets due to something as simple as pneumonia. The energy crisis was so bait, if you could just read the signs, you would have seen it coming too. I practice stand up, but I did this at the fringe because I do find y’all oh so very funny. When you think like this, may as well get your chuckles when you can.


Who’s the bad bitch, it’s you, you’re the little bad bitch. Laying down with dogs has really given us all flees. We’re happy with the outcome as long things seem to be progressing along the lines of the same 1950’s white picket fence dream. A bad bitch lays down and gets people to do her bidding and hustles, not caring for anyone else’s feelings. This sort of bad behaviour disguised as boss bitch antics: 8 baby daddies and 4 kids, it’s just for the paper, honey. The sad truth is that not many of this generation want to procreate and have some little shits running about. Self-absorption is key here, the SpongeBob generation. Cloned girls, with the generic Instagram face, again never thinking that they are good enough. Back to the pineapple with you, flip them crabby patties until you can have a Brazilian butt lift, that might kill you. Butt it’s worth it. The way us Brits will conquer is by fucking our way to the top, what do you know the power of sterling? We are so powerful when we shadow box. Or get in her box, by being more sexually liberated and free here, we are allowing ourselves to be tinder and hinged into place, filling voids by filling voids, we are becoming a more internationally diverse and gaining small amounts of inheritance internationally. By marrying and fucking our way in. Whos a clever little baddie. That you Lizzie, she got two corgis and a population of Dorgi’s.


“Who’s my doggidy dawg”- A-Hus.


We don’t live our lives anymore we subscribe to them. From men and their skin care and razors.  Give a good fuck and we will be put back in our place, a sly slap here, a sly slap there. Pacified with tinder, Netflix, Instagram, snapchat, weed, coke, booze and everything else you’ve worked to lose your money on. While we all look up at the Skynet, thinking about our credit score. Since 2008, the banking systems in place have controlled the manufacturing of goods, quality has dropped, mass manipulation has increased; the major players in the surveillance industry are those who also run our entertainment, it pays to be in sedation, go ask the shottas. Finance your grams to your car, mortgage repayments are interesting, credit card lifestyles if you can balance it. Quick maths. They say paper money was the death of Christ, who does bits in the cyrpto? Mining, growing green, people trafficking, got more south American pub grub then you can shake a stick at. All this while listening to the Helbanianz. (Give them a listen if you’re into early era drill). Legalize, decriminalize and criminalize; El Zuckerburgo.


But what the fuck do I know? I am raised in an era of convivence, I can’t see myself going back. As much as I knock streaming services, it’s nice that we all have our niches. Liberation to the sexy, every body type, race, creed and orientation, but forgive the advertising that desensitizes humanity. My screen times probably worse than all you lot. Time to use this interneting for connectivity I suppose. As we digitize most of our lives, I just hope that we don’t forget the marginalized as we come a homogenous homo sapiens (latin; wise man). We are already integrated and Eventually all becoming brainwashed controlled by a few meme pages. That would really be: Arthurs closed fist. The Apple, Amazons and the multinational cooperation’s that have mastered the art of the deal, have grown fat and need breaking down like oil. The futures ours to be shaped together. But, who am I, what’s my name?


“No one’s really paying attention to me are they… underground trains and wider influence… the internet is what YOU make it. How you going to get them to reread your articles?” A.I



“Take a step back to get it in”.- art.jad_.  



“This dunya is done I be fucking with for fun”. – AMDOOM.