
Crescent has three principals;

1. أقرأIQRA; to read, to keep yourself informed.
2. Shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot. Solidarity, to keep together peacefully.
3. Culture and heritage; if we can’t see where we have been, how can we see where we are going.

Together this trifecta of principals and ideals is everything that Crescent encapsulates.

Crescent produces articles highlighting problems and persecutions which mainstream news channels seem to glaze over and never update the masses on. In the western world where we are meant to be at the forefront of stamping out inequalities and injustice or that's what we are led to believe. We believe that's what most of the first world masses really want to do, but don't have the information at hand.

Through the medium of fashion is how we monetize, to give back to those who are in need most, designing signature garments alongside individual set design pieces. The set design pieces relate back to the articles, highlighting the same issues through the design.

We at Crescent believe that we are all brothers and sisters in this life and are all born inherently good, it's our environment which shapes and changes us. So that's what we want to do, we want to change the current environment. Whether it's making people more aware, starting conversations with the garments/articles/podcasts, other forms of media and art, to changing the environment for those who are living in depravity for no fault of their own. Just showing some humanity and if the brand essence was whittled down to one-word that’s what it would be: Humanity.

We do this for the voiceless.